Couples & Family Therapy

Attending therapy through video is just as effective as attending in person.

Our therapists are highly qualified with trainings that are specific to couples and family therapy.

Every participant can attend within the same room, or can also be in different locations and attend at the same time.

Discovering Resolute Outcomes

man in black and white plaid dress shirt standing beside girl in black jacket on beach

At COCA Psychotherapy we work with couples and families who are experiencing struggles in their relationships, in order to find healthier ways of communicating and understanding one another.

Our therapists help you uncover why you might be stuck in a pattern of relating that is harmful for the family or relationship(s) system. Our therapists will look at the family unit, while also being considerate and empathetic to each individual participant.

We walk together to discover resolute outcomes.

Working With COCA Psychotherapy

Most insurance companies provide coverage for counselling services.

We may also offer free services to clients through Non-Insured Health Benefits for First Nations & Inuit (NIHB) & Victim Services